Over 28 years of success with the City! In every Martial Arts class we instill values to shape the character of our students giving them the tools to cope with the challenges they face in the real world. By incorporating the many positive influences from the different Martial Arts disciplines students learn to act swiftly, if necessary, in defending themselves with courage and commitment; develop a healthy spirit through proper mental and physical conditioning; and demonstrate respect and a positive attitude towards everyone. Our individual attention to your student’s needs allows us to assist you as they deal with situations such as, peer pressure, bullying, self-discipline, and perseverance.
All classes open to children ages 5-16. Classes are held
on Monday and Wednesday.
Over 28 years of success with the City! In every Martial Arts class students will gain strength, endurance, mobility, reaction time, flexibility, and balance. By incorporating the many positive influences from the different Martial Arts disciplines students learn to act swiftly, if necessary when defending themselves, with courage and commitment. Our individual attention to your needs allows us to assist you as you gain confidence in your abilities to deal with real life situations. Classes are year around with students advancing at their own level.
Ages 16+. Classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday. 6:00-6:50 pm.
Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Prep Class
Students focus on their final preparation for their Black Belt test. Students are moved into the class as they demonstrate they are ready for the final preparation towards their Black Belt. Students focus on all skill sets to complete the challenging and “rewarding” test preparing both physically and mentally. Instruction is continuous throughout the year with students testing based upon their individual skills.
Parent & Young Adult Joint Participation:
We have found some parents like to join their children in learning the Martial Arts. If you are interested in joining your student in class we will work with you to fulfill your request.
Women’s Self Defense
Class provides a basic understanding and ability for women to avoid, respond,
and defend against an attacker or attackers. Participants learn to be conscious
of their surroundings and are taught basic self defense moves from Tae Kwon Do,
Kenpo, and Jiu-Jitsu. Many different self-defenses moves, general safety information, and law
Enforcement information make for an action filled learning experience.
This class is offered upon request with a minimum enrollment of 10 participants.
If interested, please email us at [email protected]
All classes are held at Frisco Athletic Center
5828 Nancy Jane Lane
Frisco, Texas 75034