We are currently in our 26th year of association with the City of Frisco Parks and Recreation department. The relationship has mentored over 170 students to the rank of 1st Degree Black Belt, thirty six of our 1st degree black belts have attained their 2nd degree black belt, twelve have attained their 3rd degree black belt, and one has attained 4th Degree. Several more adults and young men and women are currently on their way to this challenging and rewarding accomplishment.
I have been involved in the martial arts for over 40 years and have achieved the rank of 6th degree Black Belt. We operate the program like a traditional martial arts school, with belt advancement, academic recognition, and stressing the values of respect, trust, responsibility, honesty and self-discipline. Martial Arts is one of the most effective methods of self-defense today. In addition, it is an intricate art form, exciting sport, and a great way to maintain physical fitness.
The origin of the Martial Arts discipline of Tae Kwon Do can be traced to 37 B.C. The art of Tae Kwon Do embraces blocking, dodging, kicking, punching and jumping. Founded on the basic principals of movement, students develop both physical and mental coordination. It is a system for training both the mind and body, with an emphasis on the development of moral character.
Our mission is to educate all students to act swiftly in defending oneself, if necessary, with courage and commitment, develop a healthy spirit through proper mental and physical conditioning, and demonstrate respect and a positive attitude towards everyone. In every class we instill values to shape the character of our students, giving them the tools to cope with the challenges they face in the real world. Our individual attention to your student’s needs allows us to assist you as they deal with situations such as peer pressure, bullying, self discipline, striving to succeed, perseverance and organization. Adding accountability for one’s actions helps our students excel in many areas.
Classes for children are every Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 to 6:50 for beginners, 6:50 to 7:40 for intermediate students, and 7:40 to 8:30 for advanced students. The program is continuous throughout the year, with sessions beginning every six weeks.
Adult Classes are Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 to 6:50. The program is continuous throughout the year, with sessions beginning every six weeks.
Inclement weather policy
We will follow the City of Frisco/Frisco Athletic Center closures due to inclement weather. Also, please check our website (UMAAfrisco.com) or Facebook for up to date information.
Independent Karate Schools of America
We are pleased to be a Charter School with Independent Karate Schools of America (IKSA). They were established in 1982 and their moto is “Giving Roots and Wings”. They have many resources available for our continued growth and progress in the Martial Arts. As a Charter School we are recognized as Martial Arts and Science Educators. The alliance allows us to better adapt and provide you the best instruction and advancement in the Martial Arts.